I had a young woman come into the office the other day. She was looking for employment. I asked if she had time for an interview in addition to she told myself and others that her guardian angel was waiting outside for him. I thought she was a bit peculiar when I first heard this, until she went out to the lobby in addition to returned with a four-year-old girl. She was easily the cutest little thing I had ever seen. I asked her name in addition to she told myself and others that it was Angela, however daddy called her Angel. I asked her if she would sit quietly while her daddy in addition to I had a little chat. She pretended to pull a zipper across her lips in addition to then she slid into a chair in the far corner of the room. I started asking the young man questions about her work experience in Heating in addition to Air Conditioning. She said she didn’t have her Heating in addition to Air Conditioning certification yet, but she had been laboring with her dad for the last few years. She knew how to do repairs on both heating in addition to cooling system. She could install any type of Heating or Air Conditioning proposal they had, in addition to that, she was great at making repairs. I asked why she didn’t get her certification in addition to explaining that she had gone to college. She took up engineering in addition to l acquired how to custom build Heating in addition to Air Conditioning systems. I didn’t know she just wanted to work for me. When I found out that her wife had passed away recently, I told him I would like to work with him. I could get him her certification if she would join myself and others in a partnership with our growing Heating in addition to Air Conditioning contracting business.