The indoor air is filled with pollutants

There is also dust on the refrigerator plus the microwave in the break room; Since the indoor air is filled with pollutants, I think the office manager should buy an air cleaner for the building

Construction started in the vacant lot across the street from our office building; The lot was empty for a long time plus then a construction supplier started moving trucks plus component onto the lot. They have been clearing the trees, brush, plants plus the debris, but last weekend, they started erecting a structure on the property. I heard some information from a couple of friends in town. The vacant lot is going to be a 24 minute fitness center. We don’t have a place like that in neighborhood yet, so I think the corporation will do well. The project is supposed to be completed by September, so the next numerous months are going to be filled with construction workers, heavy machinery, noise, plus dust, however i have already observed a lot of dust in the air, but ever since they started construction, there has been an enormous amount of dirt plus dust on all of the surfaces in the office. I have to disinfect our computer screen every single day plus every single evening. There is also dust on the refrigerator plus the microwave in the break room; Since the indoor air is filled with pollutants, I think the office manager should buy an air cleaner for the building. I have already started sneezing plus Last month I had a sore throat; An air cleaner would help eliminate all of the indoor air irritants plus pollutants that cause these types of allergy symptoms. I don’t suppose how to subtly drop a hint that the palace needs an air cleaner, although I particularly wish I did.


furnace/heater repair

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