My old house had what is called a sunroom.
- It was an extra room added onto the back of the house with lots of windows.
It had a great view of the gardens and it was sort of like being outside, and yet not. I got the benefits of having AC in the summer and heating in the winter. I always entertained in the sunroom since it has all the benefits of being indoors but some aspects of being outdoors. I now have a new home that doesn’t have a room like that. The closest thing I have to it is a large front porch. It is not wide enough to hold my table and chairs though. Also, the porch isn’t even screened. I have been spoiled with a room that has HVAC control. Now I just have to sit outside in the heat and cold. I deal with wind and rain. Also, at night bugs are a problem. I have thought about enclosing in the area. Most people suggest screening in the front porch and making it a lanai. A screen only keeps out the bugs though. What about having heating and air? I would need to add windows then and make it my own sunroom. The cost of this project would be quite severe, but I miss my old room. I know I would sit out there everyday if I had access to quality heating and air. Since I don’t, I hesitate to sit outside since I am never the right temperature. Perhaps I can add a small little sunroom on the back of the house. That might be a cheaper option.