Being the sort of person who was always getting out of their comfort zone to evolve as a person has been something I have aspired to be.
However for me, that just doesn’t come all that naturally.
In fact, I really like sticking with the program and just going with the flow. Not that this is a bad thing. I have a responsible life and do the things that grown ups do. It’s just that I have to really kick myself in the butt to get out there and try something different. Last year, I made a resolution to get a gym membership and challenge myself to getting into good shape. This is something that I have long wanted to do but had failed repeatedly. First, working out at the health and fitness center once I have worked all day was a huge hurdle. Eventually, I would find all the reasons I could to simply stop going to the gym. This time, I chose a gym that was really focused on health and wellness. I wanted to be able to take advantage of fitness coaching and nutritional programs. Plus, I wanted to get the chance to have a varied workout program. Doing things like yoga, cross fit and group fitness training classes were on my list. Basically, I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and learn about all of these new ways to take care of myself. However, I knew that I simply couldn’t do it on my own. Well, I pleased to report that the personal training staff has done an amazing job of motivating me. I actually want to go to the gym now.