It was such a delight getting back to the beach new home every afternoon because of what seemed to be the absolutely perfect environment, but it did not matter how bad the outdoor weather was; there was typically something inviting about our house.
- I have no guess if our mother’s boiling hot smile and her always-delicious food and little treats were behind this, even though I remember the home’s environment being so perfect! Both of us never complained of too much heat or cold, regardless of the season; Considering the home’s location, this was odd since it would naturally be so frosty or too boiling for anyone’s liking, and for some reason, I only felt a significant change in the weather conditions when I was out playing with friends or going to school or while I was in someone else’s home, however while this was occasionally confusing, I paid little to zero attention back then… However, it took some growing up to understand the secret to our perfect new beach home environment; an ideal a/c unit.
I remember seeing an Heating, Ventilation & A/C contractor come into the new home every once in a while when I was younger, especially before winter, even though I paid very little attention to the nature of their visit, they appeared prefer all handymen that frequented our house, so everyone was pretty much the same to me, but my pre-occupied little mind simply could not understand the need for a/c repair as long as I was boiling and comfy… A few years down the way, I prefer our parents’ efforts to ensure a perfect balance between the cooling & heating needs in our home, and looking back now, I understand and prefer the strong role the Central Air Conditioner installed in the outdated house, years ago, played. So, any parents wondering what an a/c repair would do for their youngsters should understand that it contributes a great deal to their comfort, allowing them to focus on being youngsters.